Electronics > Manufacturing & Assembly

Choosing a Desktop Pick and Place Machine

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As the title says, I'm trying to select a commercial desktop pick and place machine. Say USD$5k budget.
No, the DIY options are out, I want something more capable.
Used pro machines are rare here in oz.

NeoDen YY1 looked very nice at US$2899, but quite a few people have recommended against a Neoden for issues and support reasons. Existing thread:
Uses 3D printed friction feeders that are reportedly trouble with plastic tape.
Single fiducial system.

iTech PPM-A320VB (rebadged ZhengBang ZB3245TSS) looks nice. US$3568 with vibration feeder.
Dual head, 0402 with 320×450mm area, 54 feeders of all widths. Juki nozles.
5500cph (doesn't say with or without vision)
Dual fiducial system. Driven feed system claims to solve the friction problem presumably like on the Neoden YY1.
Claims japanese belts and Taiwan linear rails.
Brochure: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0561/1136/6234/files/PPM-A320VB_Brochure.pdf?v=1663915251

Charmhigh CHMT36VA US$2750
Dual head,
2800cph with vision
Unexpected Maker had support issues with Charmhigh, but not this model?

I'll update this post as I find options.

That iTech PPM-A320VB is actually just a rebadge of ZhengBang ZB3245TSS. There's a series of video of the software by ZhengBang on YT that I need to dig back if you are interested. For me, very intuitive and simple software to use.


--- Quote from: 48X24X48X on November 29, 2022, 11:04:11 am ---That iTech PPM-A320VB is actually just a rebadge of ZhengBang ZB3245TSS. There's a series of video of the software by ZhengBang on YT that I need to dig back if you are interested. For me, very intuitive and simple software to use.

--- End quote ---

Comes with a free virus!

Is 5k Inc freight?  Freight is really pricey at the moment.  I recently imported machines from Malaysia and the USA.  You can get used Yamaha / Phillips machines for almost nothing from elsewhere which are very old but out preform any Chinese machine that I've heard of. I looked at emerald and topas Philips.  There's also I guy selling 2 jukis for about $4.5K each in Melbourne that runs well, takes normal feeders etc.  It's pretty small but not table top.  He's got an mpm printer that needs some work he wants to get rid of too.  He's got a good pile of feeders for it. 

What are you doing for stencil printing?  PnP is more trendy but stencil printing is hard.  I've got a spare DEK Horizon 03i in Melbourne.  I could swap it for some circuit design help! 

5k isn't much though... the 88mm feeders for my machine cost 5k...

I have had the CHMT36 (without vision), and it was quite nice for its price.
Without vision I would recommend staying above 0603 and 0.65mm pitch components.
With vision it might a bit more precise, but still....
The dragfeeders worked quite well, the main problem to look out for is the film peelers accidentally catching too much film and yanking the tape forwards every time it peels. So the machine needs some babysitting, but that is probably the case in all sub 10k machines.

As mentioned, stencilling is the most important step to get right! And a decent oven helps too. I would avoid those IR drawer ovens unless you are okay with using leaded solder.


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