Electronics > Manufacturing & Assembly
component search for DC wall connector for table device
I want to build a banana plug distribution box for the workbench, see my attachment for details.
Do you know of a component that is placed into a device wall like a normal ac socket?
1) I dont want to use an ac socket of any type.
2) I dont want to use a banana plug socket because the power supply cam support upto 60V / 100A. Of course the banana plug outlets are limeted to 10Amps but for future proving of this device i dont want to limit myself to this at the socket.
3) In my search i found the typical 12volt car adapter and many cable adapter but non that are usable as a wall socket mount.
Thank you very much
Thomas , software dev
--- Quote from: untertanaermel on March 26, 2017, 03:18:08 pm ---1) I dont want to use an ac socket of any type.
2) I dont want to use a banana plug socket because the power supply cam support upto 60V / 100A. Of course the banana plug outlets are limeted to 10Amps but for future proving of this device i dont want to limit myself to this at the socket.
--- End quote ---
100A is a very hard specification to meet, even the common high power 3 phase connectors are only rated for 10's of Amperes. There are specialist DC wall sockets around the world, but they provide low power connections:
32V/10A is the Australian "standard" DC alternative plug.
You could do what you want using multiple parallel poles of a speakon:
I'd look at the Anderson Powerpole series. Panel-mount kits are available. They're used in many high-amp DC applications, such as welders.
One source: https://powerwerx.com/anderson-power-powerpole-sb-connectors
You could also go looking for electric vehicle (golf carts and up) charging connectors.
Or connectors meant for large solar panel installations.
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