Your choice, but was just saying there is nothing there that would make me think about using your services due to not being able to verify the fact there is a real business behind the website. It's also in some legislation somewhere that businesses should display the trading address on company documents and websites but most people seem to ignore this.
I should point out that I'm not merely paranoid about having my address online; I have real concerns with some real people which makes privacy an issue, and just like customers can vet me, I like to (to some extent) vet my customers. For example if someone is unable to fill the quote form with realistic information, I probably won't give them my address. Works out better all round, I think. It's not just a one-way street.
I don't do any business via my website, it is merely first contact. All customers receive my full address before they make payment.
All my invoices have my address on them. I'm operating within the law. I'm not a company, just a business.
I appreciate the concern but not publishing my address hasn't stopped me having a successful business.
Maybe I'll look into getting a PO box address, but then wouldn't that look even more dodgy than no address at all? After all, you can't use a PO box for legally serving documents etc. So what security would it offer? None. So the only option is to publish my business address, which is also my home address, which isn't going to happen.