Any insurance companies you recommend? I'm in the startup phase of an urban/hobbyist farming automation solutions manufacturing company. Made several calls but open to other options.
Relevant facts:
* The first of several products will be an automated door opener with phone notifications via server and SMS.
* Built from an ESP8266-based ESP-07S (
FCC certified), 28BYJ-48 stepper motor, ULN2003 (probably) driver, and D alkaline batteries. This device connects to an Amazon AWS server via MQTT. There is a website (also likely hosted on AWS) for customer interaction with the device. Phone alerting via SMS, likely using a third-party service such as Twilio.
* Payments received via PayPal.
* I need $1M General Liability at least, would really like Errors & Omissions and Data Breach coverage as well.
* I'm working alone at the start; no employees, no sub-contractors.
* Operating as a Sole Proprietor to begin. (But will incorporate if that's preventing coverage.) Incorporation will indeed happen soon, but not on day one.
* I live in Florida in the United States.
* I'll be buying components from overseas. (But will consider buying domestic if that's preventing coverage.)
* Less than $10k gross sales expected the first year.
* Sold direct to the customer via the internet.