Electronics > Manufacturing & Assembly
International delivery - DHL bad service?
phil from seattle:
--- Quote from: themadhippy on November 28, 2023, 10:20:24 pm ---come to the uk and use our royal snail,2 weeks for a 150 mile trip is average around here.
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I know this is old(er) but just wanted to say that I totally hear you. I have a lot of customers in the UK and, using USPS, the time to delivery from the US is super variable. The package usually gets to the UK in about 3 days. From there it sometimes takes a few more days and other times, it has taken more than 2 weeks. It seems like anything much north of London is way slow.
Funny because I have the opposite experience.
I ship a few packages a year using Royal Mail, second class. Sometimes they'll be delivered next day (!) but all will make it within a business week.
Contrast to a couple of packages that were shipped within the US using USPS, it seemed like every day they would make it a few miles further down the road to the next facility, e.g. taking well over a week to go from somewhere like North Carolina to Washington DC.
phil from seattle:
--- Quote from: TomS_ on December 21, 2023, 08:23:00 pm ---Funny because I have the opposite experience.
I ship a few packages a year using Royal Mail, second class. Sometimes they'll be delivered next day (!) but all will make it within a business week.
Contrast to a couple of packages that were shipped within the US using USPS, it seemed like every day they would make it a few miles further down the road to the next facility, e.g. taking well over a week to go from somewhere like North Carolina to Washington DC.
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Perhaps it has to do with the priority of foreign originated mail in both countries. USPS first class mail less than 1 pound (about 450 grams) is super fast for domestic delivery. From my house on the West coast to the East coast takes either 3 or 4 days. about 5000 km. Some of it depends on how close the sender and receiver are to major distribution centers. I drop my outbound packages at a post office that is one hop from a major distribution hub. I know that customs in the UK can add time and, frankly, it seems pretty slow. Most of my inbound foreign packages goes through customs before it actually lands on US soil.
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