Electronics > Manufacturing & Assembly

Is there a cheap way to make extender PCBs?

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I designed an extender card for my Electro-Metrics EMC30 emc test receiver.
I was planning to have a card (or 5) made by one of the Asian PCB manufacturers, but the price is eye-watering, or at least more than I'd like to pay.
I now have at least one fault that would be a lot easier to fix if I had an extender card.

I sort of feel that I have to get gold plated edge connectors so I don't contaminate the instrument edge connectors that are MilSpec gold.

Is there a cheap way to get extender cards made?

Cheaper than the Chinese PCB houses?!? That sounds… impossible.

If you don't plan on connecting and disconnecting the extender more than a couple of times, you could get away with ENIG plating on the edge connector instead of hard gold.
JLC makes edge connectors with ENIG plating for quite cheap. I can't see the size of the board, but a 200 x 200 mm board with 2U'' ENIG, edge connectors with edge chamfer is 100$ shipped for 5 pcs. It won't get cheaper than this.

I don't know if the edge chamfer adds much cost - easy enough to do yourself for a one (or two/five) off.

I am repairing vintage gear so the cost of proper extender cards is close to the value of the gear.  What is worse is that I may only ever use an extender card once, and never again. 
I looked at the JLCB option, but they only seem to stock the female edge connectors, not the pcb side.  I can get suitable connectors as a low price from Aliexpress. 

OK so it seems I will just have to keep making do without  extender cards.


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