Fixing something like clearance issues of any kind after you have already generated the gerbers sounds like a really bad idea to me. If you ever had to do another revision and regenerate the gerbers, you would have to post process them by hand all over again.
BY HAND?!? @_@ Have you gone clinically insane good sir?
I am far far too lazy to do anything as silly as that. It is either scripted or bust! Put another way, I refuse having to do something as tedious as that. Either a systematic solution or screw it. Because as you say, should I regenerate gerbers, then the cleanup has to be done again. If the cleanup can be done automatically ... fine. By hand ... no way.
You should be able to set up DRC rules exactly how you want them. Silk-Silk, Silk-Pad, Silk-whatever. I can't believe you have so many components on the board, let alone ones with silk clearance violations, that it would actually take much time to fix after the DRC shows you exactly where they are. Besides as you are laying out the board you HAVE to touch every component at some point when you are routing it. Some might slip though when you reroute stuff, but it shouldn't be that many.
The silk related DRC rules are fine. To wit, the rule entry is fine. And I disabled said rule entry because of see previous.
As for component count, I don't have super duper many components on the board. Maybe I am just using the wrong library components. Anyways, the components I had to make my own lib entries for are fine (of course
). But some of the ones from other libs had said silk screen issues. And no I am not going to fix other people's libraries because of silly stuff like this. I'd rather look for better cleaner libs that don't require a cleanup. After all, the point of using already existing libs is less work, not more work.
Anyways, graphically speaking the operation of removing silk from solder is pretty trivial. It's just that I am still finding my way around the altium + gerber related tools. If gerbers were bitmaps I'd whip up a script in under 1 hour.
So I am still secretly hoping that the option is lurking out there somewhere, and that I am just totally blind.