JLC have since last year (I think) been offering a prototype PCB assembly service. It's very interesting because they run it very differently from anyone else (that I'm aware of). So far this service is only offered within mainland China, though presumably they will offer it at some point through their International website as well. The price is starting at 50RMB for 10 boards assembled (in addition to the PCBM fee which is typically also 50RMB), or <$8.
- They can only place a limited set of components that they have defined. So far there are 6343 in their list (though perhaps 80% of those are "extended" parts which require an additional fee, presumably those are not already loaded on the P&P robots). They are doing a fairly good job of including popular parts such as CP2102 / CP2104, some basic logic chips, common LDOs, opamps, AVRs, STM32s ,STC.
- They offer their own component library for the parts they have defined (Altium, PADS are supported). Of course EasyEDA also has those components, though surprisingly so far the integration doesn't work as well as with the Altium component library.
- I get the sense that the service is highly automated. They have to have two tooling holes on each PCB (which apparently can be holes that are already in the design if they are indicated on the gerbers, I haven't worked this process out yet). I assume they are using solder paste dispensing robots rather than stencil as they don't require a stencil file and the un-mounted pads do not have solder on them.
- You can choose either 2 or 10 PCBs to be assembled.
- You have to buy all the components they place from them (makes sense), the price is not excessive (but more than the cheapest Shenzhen price). Not an issue for prototypes, of course. For reference, my all-in price for the 10 pieces I had assembled, which include two quite expensive components (MPU6050 and CP2104), was 466RMB, or $68. 300RMB out of that was those two expensive components.
- They have developed online tooling for doing the DFM check with preview pictures of placement and polarity of each component. Very nice. Their DFM check appears to be a bit overly fussy so far as it keeps complaining about pad angle from parts from their own component library (but placed no problem in the end).
- I ordered a set on the 22nd and have the boards in front of me today, the 26th. They don't offer a rush service but can't really complain about that anyway

I have to say I'm pretty impressed... It's a pretty innovative way of running a prototype PCB assembly service.
I am planning to make a little Youtube video on how the ordering process works as it's quite interesting. Let me know any suggestions for what to include. Might take a while though as I'm not a professional youtuber

In theory it should be possible to order this service from overseas by using a "Taobao agent", though it may be easier to just wait for JLC to offer it internationally.