pft, not where I work.
In theory what should happen is the tracing people should be in contact, they'll ask about prolonged contact and existing precautions, and recommend anyone who meets their criteria self isolate. However in theory providing your workplace has measures in place (which are required) nobody should really fall into that window. In our devolved region HSE would not deem masks as acceptable, but 2m+ a screen is. Its not exactly a surprise tho' that the biggest high profile outbreak outside of food processing is a government institution with outdated systems, hot-desking in crowded offices in a deprived area.
Everyones rules are different but I think the biggest impact of a workplace outbreak isn't whether people want your goods, or the disruption, it's the perceived quality of care you provide for your staff.
my employer is hopeless, they always follow the law as loosely as they can and adhere to the bare minimum. Nothing has been done yet about the noise as covid arrived. The proposal was instead of making the noise levels lower by say putting booths around the machines that everyone wear noise cancelling earphones as this is clearly cheaper. Those wanting the type that has an input jack for music can have it but will have to pay the difference themselves.
When covid broke out they made arrangements at the last minute, they bought hand sanitizer but this was alcohol free at a time when it was said that this type was ineffective. other than sticking notices up about what to do taken from guidelines they have done nothing. So it's OK for people to pile into the toilets together for example. Where I work you can't treat people like adults, they act like children. The only saving grace is that the government said that people who can work from home must so the office is never more than half full. They were so slow to react that by the time they had sorted out a 2 team solution to halve the office population they were having to tell everyone to work from home anyway. There is no system of office workers checking that it is OK to come in so in theory it is possible that all 10 could decide to come in on the same day.
The only reason we have not been more affected on the manufacturing is that people work alone in large spaces so have no working reason to come within 5m of each other.
My boss commented on how is was easy it is to bump into someone (literally) in a corridor, I pointed out that it could be made one way as there is an alternate route, he sort of agreed but nothing happened, i doubt the MD can be bothered with the idea.
Our quality manager forwarded some health and safety information to the MD about air recirculation from air conditioning. The information in itself was pretty wishy washy but at least it raised the point. The MD just forwarded it to everyone, i replied asking what was the decision and go no reply. 10 of us share on AC system, you can't leave it up to individual choice, you have to make a decision at company level, nothing, some of us open the office window to help keep the air changing over.
It was only because I cased a fire regulations issue by propping doors open to avoid sharing the door handles that the decision was made after a discussion between the sales manager that agreed but realised this could not be done willy nilly and the MD who agreed that it was a sensible non observance of fire regulations to protect from a greater risk that we would keep them propped open from then on.