Trace width calculators work when the current has an absolute maximum known level. If the trace is used for power, you need to consider fault current under short circuit faults.
Fast blow (mechanical thermal) circuit breakers, at 1000% over current take nearly 1 second to trip. So your PWB traces need to support this fault current for the CB trip duration without releasing their magic smoke. If your board is multilayer with a ground plane, the FR4 material (or G10 etc.) will become carbon, which is no longer an insulator, and my experience has been the CB does not trip, and the board glows orange where the copper trace left connected is now burning, and the trace burns like a fire cracker fuse until white ash is all that is left. If this fuse runs across other power traces in the multilayer board, they start burning also. And the CBs never trip.
Also consider traces for charged large micro farad capacitors, as these will source welding currents.