Electronics > Manufacturing & Assembly

Need good resource for PCB traces

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http://frontdoor.biz/PCBportal/HowTo2152.pdf is a good resource to start, they also have a nice excel sheet linked in on the last side.

One problem with this document is that it's only one-way, so getting the needed width for a given current is no problem.

I just tried to reverse the direction, give maximum current for given deltaT and I, but it's not as easy as I hoped at first.

Formulas are nice, but if you REALLY need verification of the batch you just received - an old trick -
Either on a spare part of the PCB, or outside edge, make up 50/100thou or whatever track lengths, and place large pads at each end.
I run some with resist and without. Then on delivery, run 1-10A etc and get an actual value. It confirms they were made correctly.


--- Quote from: digsys on November 11, 2013, 01:54:07 pm ---Formulas are nice, but if you REALLY need verification of the batch you just received - an old trick -
Either on a spare part of the PCB, or outside edge, make up 50/100thou or whatever track lengths, and place large pads at each end.
I run some with resist and without. Then on delivery, run 1-10A etc and get an actual value. It confirms they were made correctly.

--- End quote ---

Good test.  I'm going to add that to my batch of tricks.   :-+


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