Electronics > Manufacturing & Assembly

Neoden 4 PNP machine; Components jumping out of the tape.

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--- Quote from: TankSparks on December 04, 2023, 01:22:18 am ---Speed setting won't help for that try reducing feeder and peeler force in settings... just enough so they work.  which is usually around 40% on most feeders.  Most likely it will never be 100%, same parts can be a pain.

Does your feeder have a plastic insert that goes underneath the tape, its only removed for thick parts.  Looks like Neoden has 2 versions of the feeders,  the newer ones don't come with the plastic insert possbily, not 100% sure.

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My Quad feeders have a "spring" under the component tape that presses the tape up against the upper part of the tape track in the feeder.  I never really thought about it, but it now becomes obvious that the purpose of this spring is to keep the tape from being deflected by the nozzle or sprocket pins.  The spring is a flat strip of springy steel that is a bit narrower than the component tape.  The tape pushes the spring downward, and it accommodates the thickness of the tape.  The Quad feeders have the sprocket behind the pickup location of the tape, so it pushes the tape toward the pickup point.  That may also help prevent the tape from bouncing as the teeth pull out of the holes.


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