Electronics > Manufacturing & Assembly

Neoden 4 PNP machine; Components jumping out of the tape.

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I'm having trouble getting a should-be-simple board PNPed on my Neoden4.

The WS2812 leds keep jumping from the tape before they are picked. I've slowed things down to 10% and got this video: https://prive.bitwizard.nl/VID_20231127_172045.mp4

Does anybody know what's causing this and what I can do to reduce this?

Wow, that's nasty.  Can you check it by advancing the tape manually?  Do the parts still jump?  Either the LEDs are sticking to the cover tape (maybe electrostatic attraction) or the component tape is vibrating as it advances.  I couldn't quite tell from the video.

I would think that this happens when the sprocket pin leaves the plastic it snaps up, it first pulls the plastic down, and when the sprocket pin ejects from the tape the plastic snaps up.

How to fix this? Adjust the position of the tape so it cannot snap out, I'd probably machine some adapter for this, maybe you can get around by printing some small bar and just stick it with some tape in front of the part.


--- Quote from: MR on November 29, 2023, 08:40:05 am ---I would think that this happens when the sprocket pin leaves the plastic it snaps up, it first pulls the plastic down, and when the sprocket pin ejects from the tape the plastic snaps up.

How to fix this? Adjust the position of the tape so it cannot snap out, I'd probably machine some adapter for this, maybe you can get around by printing some small bar and just stick it with some tape in front of the part.

--- End quote ---

This or the fact it is plastic pocketed tape and its snagging on itself, sharp edges or corners as it bends down and round underneath. Or perhaps even that depth of pocket is close to the maximum that feeder design can process smoothly.
 I haven't seen these in person but the feeding mechanism half is incredibly compact with very little space between the pick position and the end of the feeder. Most feeder designs clamp over more of the tape, hold it further back and have a window in that clamp for picking, the sprocket or actuator often in front of the pick position keeping tension in the carrier tape. This design is none of those things, sadly it might simply suck at plastic tape for certain packages. Flatter packages in shallow plastic tape pockets are the most difficult for feeders to feed well.


--- Quote from: MR on November 29, 2023, 08:40:05 am ---I would think that this happens when the sprocket pin leaves the plastic it snaps up, it first pulls the plastic down, and when the sprocket pin ejects from the tape the plastic snaps up.

How to fix this? Adjust the position of the tape so it cannot snap out, I'd probably machine some adapter for this, maybe you can get around by printing some small bar and just stick it with some tape in front of the part.

--- End quote ---
Yes, I think this is the most likely culprit.  My old Philips machine (made by Yamaha) had a blade that advanced with the tape and held the part down and then the blade was retracted to allow the part to be picked up.  My newer Quad QSA30 (made by Samsung with Quad feeders) has the drive sprocket behind the pickup location far enough back so that it doesn't bounce the tape.


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