Electronics > Manufacturing & Assembly

NeoDen YY1 Pick And Place Machine With Under $3K Price for Hobbiest/Low vol Usag

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Exactly. I find it perfect for 0603. For 0402, there shouldnt be so many board in one panel. Because the head drifts. For 0201 I guess, there should be only one board at a time.

--- Quote from: level6 on September 13, 2023, 03:41:33 pm ---I have been rather pleased with my YY1 also. Once you understand its quirks and limitations, it's actually a nice little machine.

--- End quote ---

Here is the first video. I have not finished the follow-up one yet.



Can someone share demo P&P files ?

Can find a demo YY1 working file via below link:

Bought the Neoden YY1
Spent a couple hours setting things up and getting my kicad pos files converted to yy1 formatting style, I struggle for a while tuning the USBC tape feeder (can't seem to test pick tapes in pitches other than 4mm) and then it kept dumping parts in the trash bin |O Lo and behold the vision uplooking camera is completely down! No LED lights, no camera view just absolutely nothing! The LCD works fine it lights up at the start but it's completely dark otherwise, the camera is feeding it no data.

Right now I'm hoping it's just a power cable that's not plugged in but all of the cables I see on the left side of the machine seem to be seated correctly hell it looks like some are encased in resin or glue. I'm loathing opening this thing up, what a complete kick in the nuts.


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