@free_electron 's tirade against SAC305 is frankly horse***t as well as premature, SAC305 as a solder paste is the defacto standard lead free solder paste and has been for quite some time. Most of the advantages he/she lists apply to wave soldering, there are other potential pros and cons between the two when it comes to SMT work, you can freely read up on studies done between the two, although many of the differences could well be down to flux formulation. (voiding, IMC area etc).
SAC305s dominance means more work has been done on fancy flux chemistries that work well with it, in particular interest to low volume types such as many of those that inhabit this forum are the number of pastes with long room temp shelf life and extended tack times & pot open times. On the flow-wave front we've been using an SN100C alternative for over decade, there's not so many on the paste front.
GC 3W is a perfectly normal lead free paste from a major manufacturer, I'd leave it alone what you are seeing could easily be something other than the paste (e.g the boarg tinning) . Some pastes are very shiny (e.g Warton SAC305), some leave a tinted residue, some leave a clear one, some barely leave one at all. All of the SAC305 variants I trialled before choosing BLT gave a shiner less "clumpy" joint than in your image, but then I don't know how good your footprint is, I can't see what finish you have chosen and only your manufacturer knows if they've been scraping the bottom of an old tub, or crossing their fingers with a one size fits all profile.