Electronics > Manufacturing & Assembly

Pace MT-200 Accudrive MiniTweez hot tweezers for ADS-200 - Experiences?

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Has anyone used these yet?

I've ordered the tweezers, stand and a couple cartridges. I like my ADS200 station, but I admit some consternation that I'm shelling out JBC money for the tweezers. At least Pace sells cartridge pairs for the same price as JBC single cartridges. Being able to stack the power units is the major reason I didn't seriously consider looking at some other competitors.

I've got a Rev 1-4 firmware PLCC in my ADS200. Will this be compatible with the tweezers?

Pace had the prototype MT200 done before the ADS200 station was released so I expect firmware not to be an issue at least for core functionality. If they have an update though we'll soon find out.

When it comes to competitors I don't think the JBC CD stations even run tweezers or the Hakko FX951 for that matter. I have the Pace MT100 and TT65 tweezers, so not hurting for tweezers but I admit they look great and the aluminum cartridge housing, rotation and gap adjustment, additional power are all upgrades on the MT100. You might end up being the first to own a pair of MT200 on the forums :D.


--- Quote from: Shock on March 20, 2020, 10:16:47 am ---Pace had the prototype MT200 done before the ADS200 station was released so I expect firmware not to be an issue at least for core functionality. If they have an update though we'll soon find out.

When it comes to competitors I don't think the JBC CD stations even run tweezers or the Hakko FX951 for that matter. I have the Pace MT100 and TT65 tweezers, so not hurting for tweezers but I admit they look great and the aluminum cartridge housing, rotation and gap adjustment, additional power are all upgrades on the MT100. You might end up being the first to own a pair of MT200 on the forums :D.

--- End quote ---

For the high end tweezers you need FM-202 or 203 as normal FX951 is rated for 75W and tweezers require 140W. Also more pins for the dual heater connections. I think under normal conditions though it would do fine with 75W as the tips used for 0603 say are so small. https://www.eevblog.com/forum/projects/controller-for-hakko-fm-2023-tweezers/

Price looks to be the same for all of them: hakko, pace, and metcal $300.

Some low end hakko ones exist as well for FX888: https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/american-hakko-products-inc/FX8804-02/1691-1082-ND/6228838

The new Pace TD200 and MT200 handpieces are far superior to anything Hakko has. I own several pieces of Hakko and Weller gear and I wouldn't encourage anyone to buy a system based on the FM2027/FM2028 irons anymore, plus the Hakko FM202 is discontinued. The Hakko tweezers for the FX-888 system don't cut it for precision work.

I just received a MT-200 has a birthday gift from my wife  ;D,  now I need tips.  I mostly work with 1206, 0805, and occasionally 0603's,  with decent clearance between parts,  are the 1 mm tips (0.04") (P/N1130-1003-P1).  The best place to start for these size devices?


Ted WR4T


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