Electronics > Manufacturing & Assembly

Parts consignment to JLCPCB


Some high value parts (e.g. SARA-R510S-01B module, $50 per piece) I need don't exist in the the JLCPCB parts library and I can't easily substitute another part from their library. I looked at their Global Sourcing option and they are charging considerable markup.

I'm considering consignment now that apparently they will accept international shipments, but wondering if it isn't more efficient to purchase the parts in China and ship to JLCPCB.

Is anyone from North America buying from, say, Digikey China, and shipping to JLCPCB? Will Digikey China process US / Canadian credit cards?

Does anyone have any experience/advice to share with consigning parts to JLCPCB?

This looks like valuable info in case I end up sending internationally.

Digikey China still ships from USA warehouse, I'm sure they'd accept a CAD card. You can make an account and try it out.



--- Quote from: davegravy on May 27, 2024, 02:30:21 am ---Is anyone from North America buying from, say, Digikey China, and shipping to JLCPCB? Will Digikey China process US / Canadian credit cards?

--- End quote ---

I shipped from DigiKey to China, although this was long time ago. JLCPCB didn't exist back then. I paid in US dollars which was Ok except that the bank charged for converting CAD to USD. Shipping wasn't free as it is to Canada, but it wasn't expensive.


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