Well, after a consistent number of tests with X axis, I want to share some conclusions in case it may help others. Y axis is not yet ready, about that I will post in the future.
The ballscrew I use is TBI2550,class 7. It has 1.5 meters total length but due to mechanical components size and other limitations from sensors, the useful actual travel is around 1 meter.
The initial tests were performed with servocontrollers set in positioning mode, that means the position is solely dictated by measuring the encoder in the motor, encoder with 2^23 steps resolution, that is 8388608 steps per revolution or per 50mm of travel.
When servocontroller is set on positioning mode, I can use speeds up to 3000 rpm without issues, but I have an error of about 0.4mm over the entire travel length. It was measured with an inox ruler sticked to the table and with top camera pointing to it.
When I switched the servocontroller to full closed loop (that means positioning control when the feedback is from the motor encoder and also external encoder), the error was gone. I am sure some error still exists but I cannot see it with the camera. For feedback I use an external encoder from aliexpress, A/B type with differential outputs and 5um step resolution. However, this encoder gives me troubles at high speeds. I discovered that when speed is over 1800 rpm, it 'slips', the head travel more than programmed. I tried to debug the encoder lines with a logic analyzer but I failed to see anything because of the noise present in long wires.
However, after some tests using pick'n'place programs close to real cases, I concluded that very rarely the speed approaches to 2000 rpm, so it makes no sense to spend more time debugging this problem. I will leave max speed at 1800 rpm, because what is more important than that is the acceleration/deceleration. The system works flawlessly with 20ms acceleration times and under these circumstances, the measured speed with my test programs was around 5000 cph. I hope will stay around this number after further development.