Not sure what you mean.... I've read entire Neoden-4 thread over the last few days. Many comments are like "oh you bought cheap machine, what do you expect". Here is what I think.
When I buy cheap car, I don't expect it to be on par with 200K jaguar. It might not be as fast, it might not have 4WD, it might have crappy interior. But I sure as hell expect NOT to have to get out of the car every 100 meters to do some tweaking under the hood.
Yes we buy cheap machine and we already compromise on a lot of things. It is slow, it does not have conveyor, it does not have nozzle changer, it can't mount 0201 etc etc. But I'm kind of expecting it to be more or less reliable. it is not.
Well ok, at least the amount of money I paid for mine is about how much a DYI kit to build a PNP would've cost me.
And yes on this machine several things can be changed that will make significant improvement even with stock s/w.