Electronics > Manufacturing & Assembly

Pick&Place assembly line

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Menager of my company wants to buy pick&place assembly line (with reflow oven), I got a lot of info from Daves visit to ramzonics but I'd like to ask you for some advice:
-What machines look for?
-In ramzonics there was machine that applied solder paste through stencil, but I've seen cnc solder paste dispensers. From what kind of quantity it is more economical to use such machine?
-what parameters to look for?



--- Quote from: Rundstedt on July 11, 2012, 10:40:48 am ---Hello!
Menager of my company wants to buy pick&place assembly line (with reflow oven), I got a lot of info from Daves visit to ramzonics but I'd like to ask you for some advice:
-What machines look for?
-In ramzonics there was machine that applied solder paste through stencil, but I've seen cnc solder paste dispensers. From what kind of quantity it is more economical to use such machine?
-what parameters to look for?

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I've also done a video showing a $26K solder paste CNC machine. They are only for prototyping or reworking, or maybe very small runs (like a few panels worth)

If your company is serious about this then you need to get in local dealer experts who can advise you based on your exact needs.
You don't set up a PnP line at a company on whim, and asking advice on forums :->



--- Quote from: EEVblog on July 11, 2012, 10:55:17 am ---
If your company is serious about this then you need to get in local dealer experts who can advise you based on your exact needs.
You don't set up a PnP line at a company on whim, and asking advice on forums :->


--- End quote ---
Wow, I got response from Dave himself!

But unfortunately you never worked at my company. I just ended 2nd year at university I had no prior experience in commercial work and yet I basically have to create a whole R&D. I have huge responsibility whilst earning less than cashier (but I'm still very grateful for it, and I love it so much)

Manager decided that we will buy used PnP assembly line we will learn to use it and then know what to buy next. With production of some components from very small quantities (setting this machine will take probably more time than hand soldering) to thousands of sensors (still I think more economical would be to just pay some manufacturer to assemble it). That's why I decided to ask on forum what to look for, you say ask local dealer. Maybe it works better in Australia but from my experience if you want to buy something you know completely nothing about you they will take advantage of that.
I know some things already (mainly from your videos) like how many components can machine grab each time, how small components it can pick, can it pick from trays. I know next to nothing about what reflow oven to look for.

I won't base my opinion only on forum posts, I will look on other sites and sources.

I don't want to make impression that I want you to do my job for me. I'm just confused young man with huge tasks ahead, trying to learn as much as I can in shortest time possible.

Are you working for a startup?


--- Quote from: EEMarc on July 11, 2012, 11:12:10 pm ---Are you working for a startup?

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no, they are on market more than 10 years


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