A quick test.. Electric frying pan at 100% power, 100mL of galden put in the pan. It took about 115 seconds to get enough heat to create a vapour cloud about 60mm deep. Too fast, but shows theres more than enough power to do the job. By changing the power level from 'sear' to 'simmer' I was able to control the height of the cloud quite easily.. Obviously doing this by hand is not really a good plan, but a thermocouple at the right place, plus a small microcontroller can do this without hassle.
I did have a small amount of visisble vapour, get out of the pan, but this is very similar to the IMDES system and I am pretty confident that it is water that is being boiled off. It only occurs at the start of the the heating.. The galden itself never gets anywhere near the edge.
I'll paste up a board and make a video later. I'm very confident that this will work and work well, with a bit of smart control. As i have continously mentioned, MUCH care must be taken with Galden Vapour, it will burn you very badly.. If you are going to do this, be very thoughtful about this.
I've now seen enough to know that this will work really well.,