I've got a T937 and have successfully created and run my own reflow profiles.
Your description of "the worst possible software" isn't far off the mark.

That said, I've got the software (downloaded from where another user here posted it) and it's a bit wonky, but functional. And, once you've built your profile and uploaded it to the oven, you don't need the software anymore until you're making new profiles. I'd be happy to not only share the files you need but add a few pointers on how to get from zero to the profile you want as well. I'm far from an expert, but the steepest early part of the learning curve is still vividly etched in my brain!
And, for me, getting the reflow profile set to match the recommended profile for the (GC10) paste I was using made a big difference in getting good boards out of the oven consistently.
I'm also on the Unexpected Maker Discord, and there are quite a few folks there having (apparently) good success with his
Reflow Master Pro controller attached to various types of toaster ovens. But, for me, the "active cooling" part of a "real" oven was important for consistent cycling, etc. And, I wanted my oven to just work, not be a(nother) project.