Author Topic: From a "Chinese bad-ass gray market trader", happy to share  (Read 3165 times)

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Offline MLGBZDSBTopic starter

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 :P Hi Guys I am from what you called a Chinese gray market trader and I am gald to share. If you have any questions when purcahsing from Chinese, could always ask me, I AM PROOOO

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Offline MLGBZDSBTopic starter

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Re: From a "Chinese bad-ass gray market trader", happy to share
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2023, 06:41:04 am »
Like one question you guys always ask, is this trader/distributor legitimate?
The answer maybe yes.

But if you ask, is this dude certified? No man not a bit. :-DD

Offline MLGBZDSBTopic starter

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Re: From a "Chinese bad-ass gray market trader", happy to share
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2023, 07:00:34 am »
And also, if anybody here need some information or datasheet, let me know, could share asap :-DMM

Offline thm_w

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Re: From a "Chinese bad-ass gray market trader", happy to share
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2023, 10:01:54 pm »
Do you deal with salvaged (pulled) parts or just gray market?

Any idea what the major sources are from? Cancelled orders at fabs? Parts that fall off the pick and place machine?
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Offline MLGBZDSBTopic starter

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Re: From a "Chinese bad-ass gray market trader", happy to share
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2023, 01:29:05 am »
We deal with both and for my experiences, if the client not perticularly asked for, we will manage to find unused and original parts for them from the gray market. Sometimes the clients will asked for salvaged parts.

And the major source of the components is from 1. Stocks of factories  2. stocks of Huaqiangbei brokers/Bosses ( this is why the prices from Chinese traders are always much, much higher.) Bosses who have stocks in Huaqiangbei are treating the electronics market as the stock market, and the Chip shortage years ago had something to do with them.
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Offline rhb

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Re: From a "Chinese bad-ass gray market trader", happy to share
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2023, 08:38:57 pm »
Thank you for joining the forum.  I buy lots of small RF boards  and such on ebay.  From what I've observed is  when the EU implemented RoHS there were copies of OEM eval  boards for a small fraction of the normal price.  All populated with non-RoHS parts.

It would be very helpful  if you could explain a bit about the production  of  the various RF eval  boards and the uSDX+ HF transceivers.  There are several models.  Any idea how many companies  manufacture them?  Or do lots of small operations trade design data with each other as their inventories of cheap parts changes.  I think there would be a lot of interest in a native explaining how the electronics industry at the Mom & Pop level on YouTube or here.

Have Fun!

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Re: From a "Chinese bad-ass gray market trader", happy to share
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2023, 09:46:57 pm »
We had a thread recently on BMP280 modules being cheap as well:

Maybe you can confirm these BMP280 parts are genuine or clones.
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Offline MLGBZDSBTopic starter

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Re: From a "Chinese bad-ass gray market trader", happy to share
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2023, 02:05:54 am »

By the situation from you post, you are considerring from Winsource and LCSC?

Here is my advise.

1. Never trust any Chinese trader claim that they have stocks (especially those ones hard to find).
2. Win-source has a better website, their website is really good but LCSC is a bigger and more experienced trader. LCSC is basiclly the top of this business.
3. If you have to purchase from China, I suggest LCSC. But since both Winsource and LCSC has no certificate from Bosch, the parts will be coming from gray market. So you can enquiry both of them and choose the one who can deliver a better term and services.
4. and most important: don't pay until you see the picture of the part.

Offline MLGBZDSBTopic starter

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Re: From a "Chinese bad-ass gray market trader", happy to share
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2023, 02:29:13 am »
Hi Reg

Thank you for your reply, and I believe there is actually something I could share on the manufacturer of both the IC parts and PCB/boards/Modules.

RoHS was brought to the market somewhere around 2006 if I am not too old to remember. Somewhere around that, China didn't have much tech-abilities. The level of Chinese technology is low, you can compare with the SEA countries especially Vietnam today, China's role in the world market was to be the factory, and that's when the industry thrived.

But the problem is we had no high-level science knowledge and what we could do is get the data from US and EU and produce the product without knowing what is it.

This caused 2 things:
1. You can find almost any old parts or datasheet/design in China.
2. There is too many fakes. 

And since today, on the IC field we have not a big brand, but focus on so called"Chinese alternative/replacement".

For your question, you could easily do a little search on Alibaba, and contact those stores sell RF borad, I believe they could cooperate much smoother than me cause my field in on IC  :scared:

Hope this is helpful!
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Offline chickenHeadKnob

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Re: From a "Chinese bad-ass gray market trader", happy to share
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2023, 03:33:23 am »
Something which is a great mystery to me: The pricing and availability of various Xilinx parts in the Chinese market.
A few years ago there was a flood of very cheap ZYNC XC7c010 parts on Taobao, like $3 a piece. Where the hell did they come from?
My guess is that they were pulled from Bitcoin miners like Ebaz4205, but I really would like to know.

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Re: From a "Chinese bad-ass gray market trader", happy to share
« Reply #10 on: July 05, 2023, 01:45:54 pm »
Thanks, very interesting.  Again,  thanks for joining.  I predict this will be a very long running thread. 

I consider Nixon's trip to China and Ding Xiao Ping's creation of the Shenzen Economic zone to be one of the greatest accomplishments in history.  It has cost the USA a *lot* and gone too far.  But, "The wise man fills bellies and weakens ambitions."  Lao Tsu 

They filled a lot of bellies, but didn't do too well on the weakening ambitions part.  It would be a great shame if the synergy with Taiwan and the immense  capital both factories and skilled workforce there were destroyed by political ambition.

Ebay sellers  are completely clueless about what they are selling, but I hadn't thought to ask on the Chinese websites.

Have Fun!


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Re: From a "Chinese bad-ass gray market trader", happy to share
« Reply #11 on: July 05, 2023, 02:28:06 pm »
My question would be related to power components, specifically power Mosfet and IGBT. The usual explanation for the shortages always is: Electric Vehicles.

Although I am sure that EVs have exacerbated the issue, my gut feeling is that, as you described earlier, someone is playing the “stock market” game with them.

Offline MLGBZDSBTopic starter

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Re: From a "Chinese bad-ass gray market trader", happy to share
« Reply #12 on: July 06, 2023, 02:01:52 am »

Your guess is nearly there.

First, Chinese distributors do have a large source of Xlinx chips, where did they come from? Simple. 90% of them were pulled and refurbished. and 10% of them are from factories.

That's why you can't really find un-grinded Xlinx in Chinese market.

BTW: don't buy chips from Taobao. It's an amateur act for us  :-DD  (means no offense :-DMM)

Offline MLGBZDSBTopic starter

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Re: From a "Chinese bad-ass gray market trader", happy to share
« Reply #13 on: July 06, 2023, 02:09:01 am »
Actually, you are right. They have something to do with the massive shortages couples years ago.

But the main reason is for the OEMs and Covid to be blamed.

And the basic reason was the low production capacity caused by the covid and the paralyzed factories.

But the "market player" they are definately assisting the shortage to be that massive. And trust me, they earn enough for the rest of their lifes.

Offline MLGBZDSBTopic starter

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Re: From a "Chinese bad-ass gray market trader", happy to share
« Reply #14 on: July 06, 2023, 02:16:07 am »

Yes, I think you are coorrect, and you must be a open-minded person so that you could know China this much and talks about policies neutral.

No matter the ideology, I think if a goverment can feed 1.2 billion hungry people, the goverment is a good goverment. That is the same for the US during the War II, US fed basiclly the world.

Enough politics, I am not a fan of it. For the purchasing of IC parts, like I said, I don't sell here, this is where I share. But if you checked any Chinese distributor or trader and want to confirm is they are legit,  you are welcomed anytime!

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Re: From a "Chinese bad-ass gray market trader", happy to share
« Reply #15 on: July 06, 2023, 02:53:57 am »
Thank you for your contribution.
This thread could become quite fascinating.
Where are we going, and why are we in a handbasket?
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Offline NorthGuy

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Re: From a "Chinese bad-ass gray market trader", happy to share
« Reply #16 on: July 07, 2023, 10:55:55 pm »
No matter the ideology, I think if a goverment can feed 1.2 billion hungry people, the goverment is a good goverment.

Governments don't feed people. People feed governments. Think about that when you have time.

Offline rhb

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Re: From a "Chinese bad-ass gray market trader", happy to share
« Reply #17 on: July 07, 2023, 11:32:05 pm »
 My father was in Shanghai after the end of the war.    When people would bemoan  poverty in the US he would describe the carts that went down the streets each day to pick up the corpses of those who had died of starvation in the streets of Shanghai overnight. 

Nixon, Deng, Clinton and the American citizens made modern China happen.  After several centuries of depredation by the Western countries and Japan, the rest of the world had a good bit to make up for.  That has now been done.  The West has invested billions improving living conditions in China.  We've done enough for China.  Now we need to take care of our own.  The reparations have been paid.

It's important to remember that the CPC leadership views things through the lens of "The Great Leap Forward" and   
"The Cultural Revolution" and the tremendous death and destruction that those caused and do not want a repeat. 

I don't like the CPC, but I generally dislike all politicians.  The Twiitter files and recent federal judge's ruling in Louisiana makes clear that our government under  the Democrats operated in a manner which was simply less obvious than CPC censorship.

"The wise rule by filling bellies and weakening ambition."  Lao Tsu

Let's stick to electronics and leave politics out.


Offline thm_w

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Re: From a "Chinese bad-ass gray market trader", happy to share
« Reply #18 on: July 07, 2023, 11:48:14 pm »
Let's stick to electronics and leave politics out.

Yes, and yet you were the one to start on the politics and continued to post more. Please avoid in the future.
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Re: From a "Chinese bad-ass gray market trader", happy to share
« Reply #19 on: July 13, 2023, 08:17:58 pm »
@MLGBZDSB when you reply it would be useful to quote the question or comment you are responding to otherwise it isn’t all that clear.

Offline MLGBZDSBTopic starter

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Re: From a "Chinese bad-ass gray market trader", happy to share
« Reply #20 on: July 25, 2023, 01:26:56 am »
Hi Guys I am back.

Just come back from Shanghai to join the Shanghai electronics exhibition and when the exhibition was over, my granma was sent into ICU.

Sorry for the longtime absent, I will be replying any questions here again!
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