I've had discolored (overheated) connectors
I don't think that issue was fully solved until vapour reflow came in, but it does depend on the connectors.
I use that $200 chinese oven (probably called T962) which has various threads here and is all over Ebay etc (in both original and counterfeit versions) and bought that $150 replacement controller for it, modded the fan to point outwards, added a flexible duct to go to a window, all the usual mods you find online, has two sensors so I attach the controlling one to a piece of PCB of same colour, and for prototyping is works perfectly.
But it does a bit of damage (only borderline) to SMT connectors like these

I use 60/40 solder paste of course; much better soldering and the temp is lower. Unleaded (SAC305) solder is another big factor driving vapour reflow. But nobody needs unleaded for prototyping.
Convection would of course help but is a complicated modification. But with large connectors only vapour reflow does it properly.