When I tried to do the conformal coating on the miller dynasty welder, I noticed that the one I had (spray on MG chemicals silicone) caused the old coating to peel off. I thought I could do a touch up but it all went to hell in a hand basket, looked like some napalm burn victim
I notice this is the case with some uncured spray paint, but the thing is, that is usually the 1-24 hour rule, that is recoat within 1 hour or after 24 hours, or you get peeling. But this conformal coating is... 15? years old.
Are all conformal coatings like this ? Is it because i used the spray can?
Like, its fucking super lame that I need to clean this entire PCB to recoat like 1 IC. Just wow, what a bad technology. Scrub a dub dub time to sit over a pool of fumes with a paint brush again
Is there like a safe coating that is designed for touch ups vs total recoats? Are the pens any better? It makes it blister like CRAZY. Any contact between the two makes the old one just fall off. It works about 5x better then the conformal coating remover liquid. In fact if you spray on new coating, then use the liquid, it comes off MUCH easier then just using the remover liquid. If I had to do another board, I would first spray it down with the conformal coating, then let it blister, then just brush it off with the remover (WOW!)