Electronics > Manufacturing & Assembly
seeedstudio + eagle, holes
I am using eagle 7.6.0 and run Seeedstudio's cam processor job available here:
when opening the generated files with gerbv, all layers appear as expected, except for the holes, which appear to use a different (bigger) scale.
According to seeedstudio (see http://support.seeedstudio.com/knowledgebase/articles/422482-fusion-pcb-pcba-order-submission-guidelines)
"Gerber file must be the RS-274x format. Drill file(pcb name.TXT) must be Excellon format."
Do you know if it's an eagle version problem / a gebv bug or if I am doing something wrong in the process?
This is actually GerbV not correctly detecting the number of decimal places in the Excellon file. So drill data is scaled up by a factor of 10.
TO fix this in GerbV, right click your drill file in the layer list, choose "Edit file format", and then turn off "Autodetect" and increase digits from 4 to 5.
Thank you, indeed 5 digits, inches did the trick!
btw, great avatar pic ;)
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