Hi all,
We are a Danish developer of electronics products and have been working with a US based PCBA for the past 8 years. However, we have been looking to potentially shift to an EU-based PCBA instead for some time. With today's victory to Trump, we expect we may need to speed this up due to the substantial risk of new duties that may negatively impact our margins in a major way.
We have around 10 different PCB designs and order each PCB type in batches of 500 to 4000 pcs. We source some of the critical components ourselves, but we prefer to have the PCBA source most of the components. Ideally, the PCBA is based in EU, offers high quality and mid-tier prices, combined with good support.
If the PCBA has a flexible online system where we can upload our designs in a simple manner (rather than handling everything ad hoc by email, for example), that is also a big plus.
Any suggestions are welcome.