Hi, you mentioned that there is a mechanical aligner in the CSM 84, can you please explain how to program a part for mechanical alignment? thanks
OK, you have a CSM84 or the equivalent yamaha model? First, the head must be set to an IC head, I think they call it. That means it has no alignment chuck on that head (nozzle). The software will declare an error if not set that way. So, if you will use the mechanical aligner, then you have to dedicate one whole nozzle to that for the entire board.
Then, in the feeder setup, you have a selection (use mech align) and 1 or 2. The 1 or 2 selection determines if the mechanical aligner lifts up to align low profile parts or stays down to align thick parts. The coordinates of the mech. aligner have to be set accurately for it to properly align larger parts.
The offsets for this device are in the MCH setup menu. It gets quite complicated, as the part will be rotated after alignment, so you need to compensate for that to know which axis to adjust.
The mechanical aligner is a block at the right rear of the machine that has pairs of jaws that close on the component leads to center it on the nozzle.
I don't know how accurate and repeatable it can be, I know that mine is not all that great. I get repeatability of maybe 0.25mm at best.
Did I actually answer the question you were asking? This device is really "old school" and various centering cameras have to be a LOT better.