I have a board from the Early 90's, a motherboard for a Sega Game Gear. I am trying to figure out what method they used to solder these together, looking at the picture below i am leaning towards wave soldering.

There seems to be a stackup of solder consistently on the left side of each component, that coupled with some legs of some components having solder higher upthem than i would normally expect from reflow solder.
Also... the large ASICs have enlarged pads on the corners, which "might" be for solder capture.

However there appears to be NO glue holding any components down (bar some of the electrolyitcs) as far as i can tell..... I dont know much about SMD wave soldering, but not sure how they would ever stay in place without glue, which ive seen red blobs of on other PCB's which i know for a fact were wave soldered.
What do you think? Wave soldered or Reflow soldered?