I have a small board that is quite simple. It's a 3-pin, spring contact for a cell phone battery with PTH for attaching wires.
(Capture). I would like it made in panels of 3 or 6, not that I need the parts, but the larger size will be easier to handle. Contacted JLCPCB via chat and was told simply to make a new layer, e.g., vscore. That is also what a Google inquiry and a search here returned. That would require me changing the CAM processor, which I don't know how to do. Some authors have said that internal Dimension layer outlines are automatically converted to V-score by the board houses. Attached is a 3-piece panel image (Capture2).
1) Do you have experience with JCPCB converting internal Dimensions to Vscore?
2) What allowance should I make (i.e., width) for Vscore?
Regards, John
Dimensions are in mm.