Tried to order few pieces of LTC3547, 1,000+ in stock, order goes through. Out of stock.
OK, now they've updated the page to show 0 stock now. Reasonable.
Try again ordering an alternate:
We are sorry to inform you that the price of the LTC3547 parts you ordered has to be adjusted due to market fluctuations, please kindly confirm the following updated details.
Part Number Order Pirce Updated Price
LTC3547 $3.979 $6.03
50% increase. Tell them to update the price on the site. They've now updated the website price, but to $9 not $6

Asked another grey market supplier who initially said $12/ea, then offered to beat the price at $5/ea once I sent them the win-source info.
Seems like its all just a game to haggle on the price, as they know demand is really low right now (for this IC at least, some are still in demand I'm sure).
Before buying anything on win-source, email for the quote first (their recommendation), don't trust the website number.
And try asking another supplier if they can get within ~30% of that posted price and consider using them.