Electronics > Manufacturing & Assembly

HWGC P&P machines - Documentation, Discussion and Info

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Hello dear Friend

I am Liu, thanks for your post, it is really appreciate,

But there have some mistakes in your post,

1: in your post there are some old models which we no more produce,
2: the purchase link is not from our factory, all that is from others i don't know who, the resales
3: Price are not correct, price should be consider about the machine config,
4: catalog should be update, but i don't know how to uploade it here

Thanks again dear Friend


Hi dear

I am Liu, from HWGC SMT Manufacture, and many thanks for choose our machine

Here belcow is the video can have some refereance :

Good morning

I am Liu, from China HWGC SMT Manufacture, this is our old modles, an Some models are no longer in production,
For more machine please contact wahtsup: 86-15931673319  E-mail: sjzwglw@163.com
also we update the new software to 8.8.7-T100 now, if anyone who have intresting ,can contact me




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