I was struggling to get parts to pick up and to place without being blown off the board. I was also having issues with IC's being placed at what appeared to be random angles.
To fix the pick up issue I manually added .75mm extra Z down travel to the pickup height of each feeder. I also slowed up and down travel speed to 35. Placement delay is 20.
To fix the placement issue I measured the board height manually and made my Z down travel 8500 for every part. This meant that the travel in the spring of the nozzle would take up and extra travel that larger components didn't need. Its worked perfectly on over 3000 parts now. Travel speed is 35 up and down. Placement delay is 20.
To fix the IC's being incorrectly placed I picked to the High Cam and adjusted the R to solve the vision system detecting the nozzle as a part and trying to adjust the angle based upon that and not the actual part. For SO8 and smaller R was 185 for each part and for anything larger I used 225. Haven't had a single misplaced IC since.
The only issue I have currently is that it will not adjust placement based on Marks, so I have to manually adjust that for each pcb loaded. It seems to always want to place parts slightly to the left of center. A small price to pay to get product out the door. I can come back to that later.
I do have a concern that it isnt saving all program data and I'm currently running all pcbs of one type until that entire project is complete vs running as many boards as I need to ship and then going to a new program and running as many of those boards I currently need. I just don't want to go through setting up this project again, there's hundreds of parts on this pcb and I legitimately spent 80+ hours getting it to this stage.
I think you probably didn't have the machine properly calibrated (not your fault). By right, out of the box, feeder base height and PCB base height are properly set from factory. The deviation should be very small such that it is negligible when you plug in your feeder or PCB. You can also go to the calibration page, and move the nozzle down to feeder or PCB to see the calibrated values are valid or not. It should touch the feeder and PCB. The offset value should always be around 0.3mm-0.6mm. This is basically the amount of press down you want the nozzle to go down after reaching the theoretical height.
Regarding the accuracy, just ensure during importing data, everything is perfectly centered. I no longer use component as points to translate position on PCB to machine coordinates. Instead, I use 4 fiducial 0.5 mm square inclined at 45 degree at the 4 corners. As the look down camera resolution is not that great, using your components to do the process might not be that accurate which I believe do contribute to these little offset you have mentioned. Once I get my machine repaired, I will do a video on this.
Yes, the angle issue is mitigated by having a proper scan radius accordingly (with check
charactors enabled) to the parts size. Use the vision test to see what the camera see. I think I mentioned this before.
I don't quite get your last question.