Hello Everyone!
One question related to the calibration. Has anyone done the Mark camera calibration before? How should I do this? I have a hwgc hw t4 machine.
Thanks in advance! 
I will do a video on this. But, in general, those value you found there is what they already calibrated and accounted for during their factory testing.
You basically need to move the mark camera cursor to the most left upper clamping metal top right corner. Then click on preview offset. The preview offset will show you another window of the image with yellow color cursor. You can compare and see that this preview will give you an exact alignment with yours on the left if they are spot on. If you need to change this value, you need to restart the software for the value to take effect. Values for the offset are usually 3-4. You can try putting in a ridiculous like say 15 and preview the offset, you can see the cursor will be way off.
The effects of this mark camera calibration accuracy can been seen when you do the nozzle delta calibration.
Edit: I added an image here so it gives you a better overall picture. As you can see, both image are quite close in terms of the cross hair position. My setting was 4 on x-offset and 0 on y-offset.