Electronics > Mechanical & Automation Engineering

Anyone purchased from stirri.co.uk?


My current understanding, largely informed by posts here, is that STIRRI is a relatively new company, founded by some staff formerly of Amtech.

I placed a small order with them in late December, via their UK store front. All items were shown as being in stock at the time (and still are, as of today), and at checkout the delivery option offered was 48 hour postal service. Fast-forward to yesterday, and my order status still shows as "confirmed", so I contacted them via the email address on the site.  They responded within a few minutes, to say that there was currently no UK stock of those items, that they couldn't provide an ETA and would I care to wait on the order?

Not that impressed. Has anyone else placed orders with them recently, and had them fulfilled?

It's a low value order, and not required urgently, so it's an option to be patient. The products seem to enjoy a good reputation, and are very reasonably priced. However, this experience feels like a yellow flag, and I'm wondering whether I'm dealing with a small start-up company that is struggling and/or circling the drain, and so whether I should have my credit card company perform a chargeback now.

Sorry, I've mistakenly posted my question here, when I thought I was posting to the Manufacturing and Assembly thread.

Mods - if you see this, please delete this thread.

Use the 'Report to Moderator' in the bottom right corner and ask nicely. The Mods don't routinely trawl for such stuff.


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