Electronics > Mechanical & Automation Engineering

Daydreaming about an Electronic Leadscrew

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Exactly.  I don't know have good they are.  They will be bored on center.  Then, I will see how quiet they are.  I do have a few keyway broaches, so, my plan was to turn them to an appropriate thickness and use a keyway on a bushing to join them.  Worst case, I will get a mod 1 gear cutter and clean them up (I have an indexer).  I hope it doesn't come to that.



--- Quote from: jpanhalt on May 07, 2023, 12:15:38 am ---Exactly.  I don't know have good they are.  They will be bored on center.  Then, I will see how quiet they are.  I do have a few keyway broaches, so, my plan was to turn them to an appropriate thickness and use a keyway on a bushing to join them.  Worst case, I will get a mod 1 gear cutter and clean them up (I have an indexer).  I hope it doesn't come to that.

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each gear cutter only covers a limited number of teeth, but I don't think lathe gears are that critical, there isn't that much force unless you crash and a bit of slack doesn't matter


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