Nonsense, it didn't fail in Finland. It has also been tried in the US which was also mostly successful.
Well, they cancelled it! I count that as a failure, not a roaring success. California city, Stockton, is trying the same experiment with 130 people getting $500 worth of drug money without working for it: only good news is that this isn't taxpayer money.
I seriously doubt your government steal from you nor that anyone expect you to pay for basic universal income of someone else. (Yes, I realise you mean taxes, but saying that taxes are theft is doublespeak.)
At some tax rate, it seems a lot like usury. I remember when I was doing a bit of consulting during the Carter administration and the government was taking half of the money I made working extra hours and didn't send anyone to help. Half!
The government of the country you are a citizen of provides regulations and infrastructure that benefits you (enables you to make money) and in return you pay taxes which mostly is spent on maintaining the same system that feeds you. Others may not be so lucky. In many places the unemployment rate is kept artificially high, not because people don't want to work but because it means labour becomes cheaper (supply and demand). The people that are least suited for work (low iq, bad health, whatever) are doomed to be permanently unemployed. This is projected to get worse and worse since the demand for workers are going to drop, and only the smartest and most skilled will be able to do work that can't be handled cheaper by a robot.
Spare me the civics lesson, I know how it works. You are aware that we have record low unemployment, record high incomes and all that neat economics stuff, right? Trump's doing good for workers AND investors. Still, there are industries that are dying (coal, for example) and people tied to that industry are not usually capable of moving into different jobs. That's a problem! We need to re-educate workers whose jobs are eliminated.
We have systems that help those truly in need - always have. Nobody has a problem with helping the truly needy. But we also removed the requirement to work to receive welfare and taxpayers DO have a problem with that. Somehow, even with record low unemployment, especially among minorities, we can't seem to reestablish the requirement. Why should able-bodied people live off my taxes? There are plenty of jobs!
Robots are the reason we are paying to put my grandson through a decent university in a Mechanical Engineering program. It's a little far out in the future but we will probably pay for a master's in engineering and a master's in business administration. We want him to be capable of competing in whatever the future may bring.
As to Basic Income: Unless it is near the median income, it just leaves people in poverty at a slightly higher level. Around here, the median income is $70k while over in Mountain View (Silicon Valley), the median income is around $120k with median home prices above $1M. How do we provide basic income for someone who wants to live in Mountain View? Or do we just bus them all South Dakota where the median income is $23k.
How much do we owe those who are disinclined to get a job?