Electronics > Mechanical & Automation Engineering

fascinatingly simple metal curved piece assembly method



So I have had problems in the past where I would try to form flat bar over a radius and it was a not too controllable. It seemed hard for me to cobble together things to work with flat bar.

This technique allows high control in simple fixturing without advanced tools, so long you are willing to cut metal afterwards. The bent angle iron can be turned into a flat bent piece with careful cutting, so long you mark a scribe line before you cut. Of course I would prefer to torch the flat piece out of a larger sheet, but you must notice if you need a long flat piece in a small shop, keeping/cutting stock material like this may be unreasonable, but throwing a few long angle irons on the back of a shop shelf is barely even noticed.

The problem with just banging on a flat bar is that it has very little stiffness so you need to bang it sideways sometimes I think and it ends up being screwed up, but with an angle iron it should be drastically more strait.


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