Electronics > Mechanical & Automation Engineering
how are ball detents seated?
How do they seat a detent ball on something like a screw driver bit?
It looks solid.
Do they just deform it using a press? I mean to prevent the ball from falling out.
Just deformation. On bigger sizes you can often see a stamped ring around the ball. That's a leftover from the deformation punch.
is there a special insert for this purpose?
Maybe the ball is not a sphere to start with but after it's pushed in they push further to crush it into a sphere.
I doubt heating/cooling is involved, as that would add quite a bit of cost and reduce speed
TERRA Operative:
--- Quote from: coppercone2 on January 21, 2025, 07:19:51 am ---is there a special insert for this purpose?
--- End quote ---
Yep, made in the toolshop of the factory making the parts that have the ball detent.
It wouldn't be much more than a tubular shape made of tool steel of appropriate dimensions in a press.
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