12V Motor Control Kit - example code?? Not really... Unbelievable
Absolutely disappointed. The glossy
https://www.infineon.com/cms/en/product/evaluation-boards/motorcontrolkit_12v/#!documents advertises:
"The motor control kit comes with example code which is pre-flashed, so the motor will run instantly after plugged in. The source code is available for the user to analyze, understand and adapt different motor control schemes."
"Rapid Prototyping due to pre-assembled kit including example software"
"Hardware and Software both in one pack"
"The best way to reach out to our Applications Engineers is through our Developer Community
Not true. OK, I did get from forum moderator Raj_JC a .zip with the source code for what probably goes into these units before they ship. However, this code has serious bugs and bad practices. Only one control scheme example is provided. And even that one does not work properly on my kit. I think that's because my BLDC motor is aligned just a little different to its TLE5012B sensor so that the 1st of its 6 electrical steps is at a different TLE5012 orientation. The auto-calibrate in the example code does not pick that up (...). It is also old code from earlier packs and incompatible libraries and config tools. And BTW the now default ARM compiler 6 must first be downgraded to v5...
The SSC1 interface to the TLE5012 chip: not properly tri-stated, outputs always wired together and both active... Clear signs in the 'example source code' that the programmer was fighting with this but failed to properly resolve...
And then after notifying here that this is pissing off customers, the forum moderator simply says 'We do not provide support for the code.' WTF? There is no serious code provided by Infineon, despite the promise as advertised.
No application notes for THIS kit specifically. No hints on HOW things should be wired up for different motor control modes like with/without which Halls. No hints on how to make a basic UART -> USB -> PC serial link for just a basic printf stdio for traditional old style code debugging that I would be comfortable with (not everyone has LIN masters at hand...).
Unbelievable that Infineon think they can get away with this.
No, this post is not asking for help. It is a warning to others that are thinking about buying the "12V Motor Control Kit" for the purpose of ''accelerating the learning curve and doing rapid prototyping or proof on concepts". For me, it was not.