I'm in the early stages of planning out a small CNC mill build idea. I've been looking in to software options, with the requirement that they be open source products which aren't dependent on cloud or any other non-local infrastructure. It seems to my understanding that two of the common options meeting these requirements are GRBL and LinuxCNC, the former running on an arduino board of some type or other microcontroller, the latter needing a PC or raspberry Pi dedicated to running the CNC machine. But I've also found that neither of these does gcode generation to convert your stl file to toolpaths (the way a slicer does for 3d printing), they just do the gcode interpretation, and you have to look for other software options to produce toolpaths. So, as neither of these "firmware" type programs does the gcode generation, what level of difference can they actually provide? My understanding is GRBL is quicker and simpler to set up, but less "feature rich", but what features can you really have in smething which just reads gcode and moves a tool according to it, don't fancy features all happen at the model-to-gcode conversion stage?