Electronics > Mechanical & Automation Engineering

low temperature coolants?

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I am having viscosity problems with coolants. I tried IPA, a computer cooling fluid (coolance), and a mixture of 70:30 propylene glycol and water.

They all get rather viscous and do a number on my tubing.

What fluid can be used that stays the most liquid at low temperatures? I thought maybe methanol.


--- Quote from: coppercone2 on May 05, 2024, 05:02:13 am ---I am having viscosity problems with coolants. I tried IPA, a computer cooling fluid (coolance), and a mixture of 70:30 propylene glycol and water.

They all get rather viscous and do a number on my tubing.

What fluid can be used that stays the most liquid at low temperatures? I thought maybe methanol.

--- End quote ---

Water can be used at freezing temperatures.  I have also seen liquid helium used for somewhat lower temperatures.

Edit:  Here's a small list from Burdick & Jackson:  http://macro.lsu.edu/HowTo/solvents/Freezing%20Point.htm

Depending on what you are cooling you can maybe using a two phase cooling system like the one used in refrigerators.
There are several videos on Youtube showing how a two-phase cooling system is made with relatively simple but low quality components and butane gas.
If you use better quality components and do a bit of engineering you might be able to build a usable cooling system.

Another option is to use peltier elements for the cooling.
Heat pipes like the used om laptops might also be an option.

If you ar really determined to use a liquid based cooling system you will have to read up on the physical properties of liquids and find something that is better than what you have tried.
Ethanol alcohol might be a possible option if you use a high percentage because this is liquid until over 100 degree centigrade.

no I am looking for a non viscous when cold coolant for a coolant loop that uses a pump, its just a fluid loop. but all this shit gets syrup at low temps

non pressurized too, so you pour it into a tank and run through normal hoses

Shell Immersion Cooling Fluid S5X, the pour point is at -36°C


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