I've been doing some thinking and wondered about your ideas on this. Any suggestions as to how an object could be moved so that its centrepoint, or any other point on it, translated on x and y so as to form a circling motion, whereas the object itself keeps a fixed rotation according to the global reference frame. So we've got the object doing sinusoid motion on the x axis and cosinusoid on the y axis, but not itself rotating. I'm after ideas of how to do this so it can all run from just a single spinning input, so no x-y leadscrew setups with steppers...
I can think of having a bunch of gears arrayed about a centre gear or around an internal gear's rim each with an eccentric crank shaft on them, and all the cranks going in to the moving object, with the crank-attached gears all having the same tooth count then as the ring gear or central gear turned they'd each turn in sync, but part of me thinks this is more complex a mechanism than necessary.
I've also wondered if there was anything one could do from a scotch yoke mechanism, but again think you might need several of them run from a gear chain keeping them in sync so as to preserve the moving object's global rotation.
Is there a really simple trick to this?