I have not used it yet, but it definitely has the bolt circle calculator function and many others. I think that might be pretty standard today but wasn't in the early 90's. It was the high speed RS232 that attracted me (all the others I saw were just 9600 baud) as a "manual CNC" or maybe more without having to add encoders to each dial.
EDIT: The functions it has are: Grid hole, Bolt holt (circle), Simple radius, Smooth radius, Pocket, Radius/Diameter conversion, Vectoring, Taper, Tool offset, EDM, Distance to go, and Signal test. There is also linear compensation and other usual stuff.
EDIT2: It is plug compatible with the YHSINO glass scale I got first. Glass scales are heavy, so I got that from a US importer in California. I could not find an A30P version in the US at a competitive price to the one shipped from China.