You linked to an article that explains it all.
I'm not sure how anyone in this post can give anything more detailed than the article you linked? That article is already several screens long, and includes both formulas and derivation.
To summarize:
There is a theoretical minimum power required in the ideal case for a given propeller diameter.
This theoretical minimum power is inversely proportional to the propeller diameter, so the power increases for smaller propellers and decreases for larger propellers.
[Note: This is why modern aircraft jet engines have large diameter bypass fans to increase the effective diameter and improve the fuel efficiency. This is also why helicopters are much more efficient at hovering than VTOL aircraft like the Harrier jump jet. Helicopters have a way bigger "fan" to produce downward thrust than jet engines.]
Now, the theoretical minimum power is a law of physics, you can't do better than this. But you can obviously do worse. This will depend on the specific characteristics of the motor and fan. To learn about any specific case it will be necessary to look at the characteristic performance charts of a given fan or propeller arrangement, if such is available. Or maybe do your own experiments and measure some results?
But the theoretical minimum should certainly get you in the ball park.