Hello there.
I've recently started a project on a DMM7510
, connected by USB to a PC (Windows OS) where Python code is running, sending TSP commands to the device. (PyUSB, PyVISA and all the other libs already incorporated and working fine).
My Python code successfully sends the TSP commands to the device and it executes them, but I'm looking at a way to get some return values from the TSP commands onto my Python code.
For example, I'm using the DMM's display as an user interface (instead of the PC's CMD or a Python generated one [for now, at least]) and if I were to send a TSP commands like this...
my_instrument.write("display.input.prompt(display.BUTTONS_YESNO, \"Continue?\")")
... I'd want the Python code to know which YES/NO Button was pressed, since I'm placing all the "decision-making" there.
Any tips?
P.S.: I've received a reply on another forum (
https://forum.tek.com/viewtopic.php?f=363&t=143055) but I encountered another issue. Before you reply please do have a look at what was answered. Much appreciated