Electronics > Mechanical & Automation Engineering

Sealant Storage

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G'day Members,

Has anyone perfected a better method of storage of 300ml Silicon & Polyurethane Sealant cartridges?

Based on my experience, I would think that the world wide wastage of these products is massive.

short term screw up the nozzle
medium as above and chuck it in an airtight bag
long term forget it,chuck it away and buy a new tube

Have you seen the red caulking gun cartridge caps/condoms?
A search on eBay/AliExpress/Amazon/whatever marketplace for "Caulking Gun Nozzles Cap" should bring them up.
I bought some to try, but I've not needed to start (or even buy) a new cartridge recently.

They're included, in addition to other methods, in this video...

Thank you for your replies.

I did see the Red Condom style and will try an obtain some.

It would be great if we could extend the shelf life and keep the stuff out of landfill.


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