Electronics > Mechanical & Automation Engineering

somoene finally built a solid state dehumidifier based filament housing

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we have been talking about it for god knows how long but no one has the balls to buy the membrane and actually mount it to a box!!!, until this guy did. must have been like 6 eevblog humidity congresses held up to this point

The balls? Nope, maybe you meant the money.  That thing costs about $150.

He showed the cheap ones are $10-20, but presumably it would take months for it to dehumidify a wet roll of filament.

Seems there is just this one company making them, no cheaper alternatives?

Interesting technology, but leaving excessive O2 around in a closed container will likely cause issues with some materials!!



--- Quote from: mawyatt on February 27, 2024, 12:41:52 am --- leaving excessive O2 around in a closed container will likely cause issues with some materials!!

--- End quote ---

Very true, I have many drawers of parts to protect from corrosion.  Reduce moisture but introduce more O2 shall cause more harm than good.


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