Stuff from europe:
Old (gen 1/2) EWM and anything with it inside: utter garbage!
Lorch IT G/GW (gen1) inverters: great repairability (lots of available 20-40$ Mosfets), but power rails on DC/AC stage too weak, put big copper bars there, and have fun for long time.
Later Lorch V25/30/40... less simple construction and more integrated DC/AC stage, what makes them less repairable.
ESS/Cloos Insquare: Simple and best HF start, IGBT modules might be difficult to get, if broken.
Sweld (rare Swiss machine) is similar design/construction (half wave DC/AC converter), but without any microcontrollers.
Fronius MW450: Beautiful construction but lots of custom parts and PLDs
GYS stuff: lots of epoxyied PCBs and horrible to repair, from what I've heard so far.
Chinesium TIG: Inside they are all the same, not too difficult to repair, but breaks down all the time.