Electronics > Mechanical & Automation Engineering
wood cnc machines?
Hi I'm curious about the cnc machines on this site: https://www.bobscnc.com/
They claim wood is a good material to make the machines out of. How could wood be better than metal? Are these overpriced?
Note that their products are to fabricate and shape wood objects, using routers and other woodworking tools.
It is not better. It is just good enough for their application. Plywood is dimensionally stable and easy to work with especially if you already have woodworking CNC. The machines are pretty light duty, so you don't need them to be really strong.
Unless you buy a pre-cut kit or have a CNC anlready, typical aluminum extrusion would be much easier to use.
wood will shrink and expand depending on humidity.
Metal will do the same with temperature.
Real "stone-solid" CNCs are made from granite:
CNC machine made out of granite - part1:
Another Granite-CNC:
....if one can affort it. :-(
Is anymone knows how this material is handling the mechanical stress and the gradients of temperature within time ?
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